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May Day Treat: Free Gift When You Spend £60 This Weekend

CBD & Plant Science

A moonlit bedroom, with soothing elements like lavender and a salt lamp.

Better Sleep Solutions: Melatonin Alternatives

Key Highlights Melatonin is a popular sleep aid that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, but it can have side effects Herbal sleep patches are a natural alternative to melatonin with...

How Aromatherapy Can Enhance Your Sleep

How Aromatherapy Can Enhance Your Sleep

The quest for relaxation and a restorative night's sleep has led many to explore the ancient art of aromatherapy. KLORIS Soothing Mist merges this age-old wisdom with contemporary science, offering...

Five simple tips for better sleep

Five simple tips for better sleep

What is ‘good’ sleep? The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get 7-8 hours of sleep per night (1). It’s not only the duration of sleep that’s important though, it’s the...

The Best CBD Products for Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night's sleep? You're not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million adults in the US have a sleep disorder. Lack of...

How will CBD make me feel?

You may have heard about how CBD (cannabidiol) can interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system to potentially help restore balance in a huge range of bodily functions. You may also have...

How to enhance the effects of CBD

Not all CBD is made equal, and neither are all CBD experiences. It’s not uncommon to find two people use exactly the same CBD product only to have very different results. ...

CBD - The Key Things You Need To Know

Confused about CBD? A lot of people are and it’s completely understandable. This guide busts common myths and explains key facts about cannabidiol (CBD)

Is CBD Flower Legal in the UK?

While some forms of CBD can be legally purchased, not all types are allowed in the UK. Since CBD flower is a popular product in many countries, we’ve rounded up...

Is CBD legal in the UK? A 2024 update.

The quick answer: in 2024, compliant, responsibly made CBD products like KLORIS CBD Oil Drops are completely legal to buy and use in the UK. There's quite a bit more to it though:...

6 ways to sleep better with CBD

Sleep isn’t what it used to be, quite literally. According to the average person slept for 9 hours a night back in 1910, whereas now this has plummeted to...

Menopause and Skin Changes

A time of significant change for women’s bodies, approaching menopause can be daunting. As a new era of a woman’s life, menopause alters the body biologically and can cause a...

The Beginner's Guide to Hemp Tea

What is Hemp Tea? Hemp is a type of Cannabis plant that is naturally low in THC (the compound responsible for the ‘high’ associated with cannabis). Hemp tea is a...

Natural vs. Synthetic CBD: What's the Difference?

The rise in the popularity of CBD brings an increase in various CBD products that individuals can take. It can be confusing to distinguish the difference between natural and synthetic...